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Sunday, 26 June 2005
Fascist China and War With the US
Bill Gertz continues ringing the alarm bells toward a future that nobody wants to see but a future that seems inevitable. China is using it's growing economic power to fuel it's military ambitions. As with Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan of the 1930's this growth carries with it it's very own unstoppable rational which will carry China to war in the same fashion that Germany and Japan found themselves in a place where the only logical and rational course of action was war. China is putting itself there with it's rhetoric and actions. We should start the arguments of why we didn't see it coming now since it will come and we will ignore the threat until the threat becomes a reality.

The combination of a vibrant centralized economy, growing military and increasingly fervent nationalism has transformed China into what many defense officials view as a fascist state.
"We may be seeing in China the first true fascist society on the model of Nazi Germany, where you have this incredible resource base in a commercial economy with strong nationalism, which the military was able to reach into and ramp up incredible production," a senior defense official said.

Posted by gilbert davis at 2:27 PM EDT
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Thursday, 23 June 2005
Supreme Court Land Grab - Bend Over Now
Wow. I can't really believe the Supreme Court did this one but they did. Connecticut land owners who lived along a riverfront area in a non blighted residential area will in fact have their homes ripped out from them by the local government. The Fifth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States gives assurances and a guarantee to citizens that their government cannot take their property by eminent domain except in cases of public use. That's what the Constitution said. Now it says that your government can take your property and give it to some other person, a richer person, whose use of that property will presumably provide a greater tax income for the government. What this means that you in your home are not safe if Wal-Mart wants to build on your property. In other words, your property, your land, is not your land at all. Your land belongs to you at the whim of the government and of whoever might desire your land at some future date. Unfreakingbelieable. I have to read the decision to see the scope of it but on the face of it this a very very real blow to freedom as people tend to understand it.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:09 AM EDT
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Air Force Academy - Born Again Rapists
A rape scandal then a religious intolerance scandal at the Air Force's Service Academy and it's a shame. Here Over four thousand cadets and most of them fine, outstanding people who go on to become fine and upstanding officers. Capt. Melinda Morton, who worked at the Air Force Academy and whose complaints brought about the scrutiny concerning the religious bigotry running rampant there has resigned her commission. It's the Air Force's way of saying thank you for bringing up this moral and ethical failure on our part, now please accept your reward of an end to your career and relentless pressure until you resign your commission. Gotta love it. The 'Report' has come out, it's what the link speaks about. And as predictably as the sun coming up in the east, the report found sure there might have been some sort of problem maybe, you know boys will be boys, mistakes could have been made, um, ah, can you say Whitewash? Yes, I knew you could. A joke really. They don't deny the general tenor of the complaints but they do their best Orwellian doublespeak to minimize the obvious. "a perception of religious intolerance" says the report. Well you know, perception is reality if it's you as a Catholic or a Jew or a Buddhist there amongst the dominant born again, in your face types.

Captain Morton resigned her commission. Her career was over and the religious bullies won. There will be token things done to appease the complaints but in the end apparently there will be nothing done. The instructors have been make 'aware' of the inappropriateness of their behavior. Made aware? They didn't have a moral or ethical background to know that religious bullying was wrong in the first place? And the 'steps being done to correct the situation' uhh, why would there need to be steps taken when what we are talking about is common decency and common sense? It's like saying, oh darn you caught us, I guess we'll try to tell the cadets to try to respect religious diversity. Since when is respect for other people something that has to be taught? Just who are they letting into the Academy that need this sort of remedial training? It's absurd and the response by the Air Force, the whitewash, the sweeping under the rug of the whole thing is something to be ashamed of.

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:38 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 June 2005
CSS and
Now Playing: Cold Hearted Hanna - XM Radio - 'The 40's'
Sitting around trying to read through CSS tutorials, eating watermelon and listening to XM Radio. Listening to the 40's channel. Nice to hear all the words clearly and beautifully. That Bing Crosby was the man to be sure. One of my favorite actors and singers. Which reminds me that one of his offspring wrote a book way back when and basically said he was a shitty human being and a bad father. Which reminds me that Jane Fonda did the same thing with her father Henry Fonda. Which reminds me why the hell I hate Jane Fonda and Bing Crosby's children. I mean, those people sought to get back at their parents by publically smearing them. You know, too bad your dad wasn't always there for you and sorry he didn't tuck you in every night but get over it and quit whining. Jesus, it's not like your parent was Joan Crawford or anything and he did put food in your worthless ungrateful mouths. The good news is that it isn't hard to boycott anything Jane Fonda does since everything she does is lame and crappy. I really don't like that Henry Fonda besmirching hoo.

Whoa, stream of consciousness from 40's music to Bing Crosby, to unfamous ungrateful children of Bing Crosby followed by Henry Fonda and his ungrateful nasty child. Such is the train of thought and the various stations it stops at. :-)

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:20 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005
Annoying Spam Variations
Now Playing: Los Lonely Boys
You know, my email passes through a number of filters before it gets to me. ISP's are certainly doing a much better job of filtering spam and viruses than they have ever done before. You might know that it's a sound practice to never open attachments at any time. Don't open exe files. Don't go to that fake Citibank site to verify your information. Don't send your account information to some son of some Minister in some defunct African Nation so you can help him get money out of the country. One I've been getting recently is the 'your email account has been suspended' email. Here's the usual one I get.
Dear Gadlaw Member,

We have temporarily suspended your email account

This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submitting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An inability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your Gadlaw account.

Sincerely,The Gadlaw Support Team

+++ Attachment: No Virus (Clean)
+++ Gadlaw Antivirus -

It's funny. You know, the attachment or click through thing doesn't even get to me. There is no 'Gadlaw Support Team' since I am he. I'm pretty sure I haven't put out a 'Gadlaw Antivirus' checker so there's another clue. Just your standard phishing attempt. You know the one where they have some inaccurate personal information which they'll be glad to relieve me/you of if you only contact their website to clear up whatever mess you might have gotten yourself into. Humm. I noticed that CNN was rearing their report about phishers and information thieves the other day. They give you the same advice I've mentioned here although the recent stories about various credit card companies losing the personal information about millions of people do tend to make one wish for the cash and carry society of days gone past. Bad people everywhere who are anxious and willing to steal from you and me. It's like the old Sgt. used to say on the television show Hill Street Blues - "Be careful out there" Good advice at all times.

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:50 AM EDT
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Monday, 20 June 2005
Wise Words of a Mother to Daughter
Now Playing: SG1
Browsing the shelves over at Barnes and Noble the other day and I heard a mother admonishing her young daughter with these wise wise words. "You're going to have to learn patience, and learn it quickly." I blinked twice before laughing out loud. Well, it seemed funny to me.

Posted by gilbert davis at 8:38 PM EDT
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Saturday, 18 June 2005
Bye Bye EU
Now Playing: Missa Papae Marcelli: Benedictus

Good to watch the European Union fall apart. Here It's a case of everyone wanting their bit of the pie and so they argue about it as the ship they are on sinks. Typical European behavior. Typical politician behavior - taking the rule which says that all members need to ratify the treaty in order for their bureaucratically created constitution to go into effect and trying to change the rules after two countries have voted it down. Now they've given it more time and presumably will try to shove it down the throats of the French and Dutch voters at a later date. But it's all brave talk now, the thing is dead and the politicians who tried to make the European Union into a thing to challenge the United States are also done as politicians. We get to see the bitter old men who wanted to recreate a godless Holy Roman Empire as they blame each other and pretend their New Empire isn't dead. Denial is a beautiful and bickering thing.

Posted by gilbert davis at 5:13 PM EDT
Updated: Saturday, 18 June 2005 5:14 PM EDT
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Thursday, 16 June 2005
Don't Worry - They Were Probably Guilty of Something
The Story Link HERE
Chinese woman allegedly "murdered" reappears after killer executed

A Chinese woman believed to be killed in the 1980s reappears 16 years after the alleged killer was executed, urging judicial authorities to rectify the case.

Shi Xiaorong, declared by police a "murder victim" in a April 1987 case in Mayang county in central Hunan Province, said she was actually swindled and sold to east Shandong Province as somebody's wife in March that year, one month before a dismembered body was found in a Mayang river and claimed by local police the body of " disappeared Shi".

Butcher Teng Xingshan was convicted of the murder as the police said the dismemberment technique was "very professional" and executed in 1989 despite pleas of innocence.

According to police investigation material, Teng was believed to have sexual relations with Shi and killed Shi he suspected of stealing his money.

But Shi, who is now in a Guizhou jail for drug trafficking, said she and Teng did not know each other, urging the Human judiciary to declare the trial a miscarriage of trial.

She returned to her hometown in Hunan's neighboring Guizhou Province in 1993 and Teng's relatives was told she was still alive one year later. But it took them years to verify the information and they did not have the funds and the courage to sue the judiciary until last month Teng's daughter and son lodge a lawsuit before the Hunan Higher People's court.

The 1989 verdict of the court reads that "Teng confessed his crime on his initiative and his confession conforms with scientific inspection and identification". Whether torture was used to force conviction is still unknown.

The case comes just two months after a man who served 11 years in prison for murdering his wife was declared innocent, two weeks after the victim reappeared in their hometown in central Hubei Province.

Former security guard She Xianglin claimed he was deprived of sleep during 10 days of interrogation until he signed documents pleading guilty to murder. He is now suing the government for compensation over his mistrial and torture during interrogation.

Source: Xinhua

Don't know if it's a static link or will be gone shortly so here is the article. It goes to show that the Death Penalty does whack innocent people. As sure as the sun comes up there will be mistakes made. It's just a fact of human nature that errors will occur and no matter how noble and justice minded any group of people who are in positions of authority there will be abuses of that authority. The article is from China's People's Daily Online and the story they lift is from Xinhua.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:06 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 15 June 2005
House Finds its Backbone
Not a done deal yet and only the House has voted on it but the bright shining light of hope has opened up and perhaps just perhaps the Library Gestapo won't be lurking over your shoulder when you try to check out that small stack of books. The story here shows the House doing the right thing by a vote of 238-187 and that with the threat of a veto over their heads. Not that a threat of a veto carries much weight as the President is a lame duck now and the power he wielded is lessening by the day. Yet another sign that the politicians smell blood in the water. Witness the increasing chorus about the Gulag in Cuba. Politicians, notable for their lack of moral compasses in the first place are nevertheless making noise about how Guantanamo is bringing shame and discredit to the United States. It's the same Guantanamo when they opened it up and nobody made a peep. But, better late than never to those American ideals of justice.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:26 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 14 June 2005
I Hate Nancy Grace - Really
You know how some people grate you the wrong way? Nancy Grace is one of those people for me. I don't have much time for arrogant, know it all people especially when I hear them cut people off, pass instant judgments on people and generally make ass monkeys out of themselves. Self proclaimed pundits like Nancy Grace just send me for the intellectual barf bag. As such, you know I don't watch said person but it's good to know my assessment hasn't been changed by any humanity transplant to the nasty one. NG melts down Didn't watch it of course but my incessant surfing of the news turned up her the story of her antics after the Jackson jury came back with the decision NG didn't agree with. The Yahoo story says that she melted down and was near tears. Of course that didn't keep her from brow beating the foreman of the jury who mistakenly agreed to be interviewed by her. Cutting him off and being the nasty rude bitch that she is she succeeded in embarrassing herself and her network. Of course, the whole celebrity trial circus thing brings out the barkers, conmen, freaks and Nancy Grace's. It's too much to hope for that they will spend some time to actually do some news now. Yeah right.

Posted by gilbert davis at 8:57 PM EDT
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So Much Excitement
Okay, I held my breath a bit when the verdict was being read. Really now, I don't particularly like Michael Jackson, I don't particularly dislike him. I have no records of his and I don't hum his songs. Still, it was high human drama. Would the world famous person be taken away in handcuffs to spend a good deal of his life in a tiny cell. You don't wish that on anyone unless they've done something to deserve it and with most of these trials that take up time in the public space there is the fact that I don't know if the person is guilty or not and I don't feel particularly qualified to pass judgement on people based on the highly sensationalized version of the 'truth' that you get from the media. And it is hard to understand people who can make those judgements based on that information. Looking at a bit of the jury news conference I see those people who were there took seven days to go over the testimony and the instructions before coming out with their verdict. I didn't see any of them being as self assured as were the television bigmouths. Heck, there was the one lady on FNC who right before the verdict predicted a clean sweep for the prosecution. When the verdict came down that woman, who the news directors were smart to not let on the air otherwise, was heard ranting about Jackson being the 'Teflon Defendant' or some such actionable nonsense. Just your usual circus. I love those arrogant, self assured and full of judgements lawyer talking heads who proclaim this person guilty or that person a monster based on nothing. It makes FNC mostly unwatchable. Still and all, a good circus. I wonder if any of the news on television will actually do any news reporting for a while now. At least until the next celebrity trial.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:48 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 7 June 2005
Containing China
Now Playing: Sports 980 - Tony Kornheiser Show
Topic: Politics
Peking Duck here speaks about China being encircled by the United States. Really now. I enjoy reading The Peking Duck because he gives me another viewpoint that isn't always expressed elsewhere. But here he's a bit off. He says,
I wanted to think the "China threat" mentality was a thing of the past. Clinton was a huge proponent of warmer relations with China, and Bush has seemed to be continuing in his footsteps, though he's had to pay lip service to his foaming-at-the-mouth far-right colleagues who still call the PRC "Red China." Have we really gone so far in the opposite direction? Are actively attempting to contain and limit China?

I responded vicerally here.
You can't be serious. That little article you quoted from Conn Hallinan of the Foreign Policy In Focus is really nothing much more than a long dig at the evolution of Japanese Foreign Policy. A changing foreign policy brought about by changes in the regional situation. China is a land based power that is busily building up it's Naval Power in an effort to enter an area of influence occupied by the United States. The fact that the United States and Japan are reacting should come as no surprise at all. Japan happily kept it's Peace Constitution since the end of World War II and is only now making noise about changing it. Why is that? Simply because of China. The fact that some people recognize the efforts of China and are sounding the warning claxons about it does not make us 'foaming at the mouth far right" types. (I voted for Kerry) And it is "Red China" - remember Tianamen Square? Cultural Revolution? Korean War? What has happened to all the reformers again? Totalitarianism, Communist, - those labels still apply you know. So heck yes, we are actively attempting to contain and limit China. To do otherwise would be amazingly irresponsible and itself a guaranteed threat to peace.

And if you live in China and you read this article you are scared out of your wits. You are scared to say anything that disagrees with the government. You are scared to try to have that second child. You are scared if you own a website now. See the article about China ordering all web sites to register here But scared about the US Navy that's been there in the East China Sea since 1943? I don't think so.

And it's all in referece to a article in the Asia Times Online by Conn Hallinan of the Foreign Policy In Focus organization (read left leaning)

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:02 AM EDT
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China - Clamping Down Harder on Speech
Not that there is any free speech in China, that would be ridiculous to consider in a totalitarianistic Communist country. But in case you were somehow under the delusion that China promoted free speech you might want to read this article here on Yahoo. Basically the Chinese government is working to put the genie back in the bottle by having all bloggers and website owners registered and under control. You know, to make it easier to have those visits in the middle of the night by the authorities. Kind of like how things are getting in America too.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:16 AM EDT
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Monday, 6 June 2005
Australian Immigration Contacted China
These Australian government people are tools. According to this article here the government officials did the only thing you might have expected them to do in a case when a Chinese diplomat from Communist China tries to defect, they called the Chinese government to let them know about it. It kind of reminds you of when police and government people were corrupt and took their orders from the mob. If there was somebody that the mob wanted then the police helped the gangsters out. Sort of like in this story. The only thing different is that the mafia isn't paying off the police, it's the Chinese government paying off the Australian government. Like good stooges who know where their payments come from the Australian government knew immediately what to do. The bright light of the press, even in Australia, has turned it's spotlight on this story. The Immigration people who ran to tell their Chinese masters said upon being called up on it that they were only 'confirming' his identity. Of course, that this might put the man in mortal jeopardy didn't seem to occur to the officials. Or perhaps it did and they didn't care. But not to worry, the Chinese government said the man can come home now, all is forgiven. Nothing will happen to him. That's hard to believe when you consider the fact that their labor camps are full up with people who expressed even mild disagreement with the Chinese Communist Party and their government. The jails are still holding people from the Tianamen Square Massacre. The jails are not holding the people who committed the massacre of course, just the people who asked for democracy.
Good job Australia.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:10 PM EDT
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What Trumps Freedom and Virtue?
Topic: Politics
Why money of course. It's always about the money. Why if you happen to be a diplomat from China who want asylum in oh say, Australia, the chances of you getting it even though we know China holds prisons full of political prisoners who have done nothing more than perhaps say they don't like the government in China, well your chances are similar to the snowball in hell. Story Here Why would Australia happen to quickly say no the asylum seeking Chinese diplomat? Oh, perhaps it's economic, perhaps it's the free trade deal that Australia is negotiating with China. And it's only a few days removed from the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre which is politely forgotten about in the news which does revel in anniversaries about things that interest them. Once again, it's the money that talks.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:49 AM EDT
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