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Friday, 14 May 2010
Animated Whatcha talking bout Wolfboy?
Now Playing: Christian Sands, Lonesome Lover - Jazz
Topic: Art and Poetry
  A little animated graphic to respond to Wolfboy1 teasing me a bit about my overly detailed Pentatonic Scale charts. I do such charts when my fretting wrist is in pain and there isn't much to be done in the way of playing the guitar.  :)

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:30 PM EDT
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Saturday, 12 December 2009
Christmas Banner for Truefire
Topic: Art and Poetry

Just a Christmas Banner to sit under my posts on the TrueFire forum. All sorts of excitement there these days. We've got Larry Carlton in the forum moderating and answering questions on his new guitar course 335 Improv. Very hot stuff, mostly over my head but still quite cool.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:01 PM EST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2008
All right, some more black hat winking bearded happy faces
Topic: Art and Poetry



Posted by gilbert davis at 6:14 PM EDT
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Saturday, 6 September 2008
Gmaj Pentatonic Scale
Mood:  cool
Topic: Art and Poetry
Here we have my diagram of the Pentatonic Scale with the root in G and the minor in E.  Since the Root is in G the Key has the Red 1 to symbolize that note across the board. You can easily see the pattern there with that and the image is of a size that you can print it up yourself and have it there when you are practicing the guitar at home. Personally I do need the visual assistance to help me learn all of this. With the previous diagram you are well on your way to understanding where the notes are on the Fretboard which in turn helps you grasp the theory. Without knowing where the notes are in relation to each other you will be banging your head against the wall in that regard. For a complete discussion on this and other guitar matters of theory, from beginner guitar to advanced subjects such as modes, diminished chords, major, minor chords, pentatonics major and minor you can find that's Forum

Posted by gilbert davis at 7:04 PM EDT
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Thursday, 14 December 2006
House "Merry Little Christmas"
Topic: Art and Poetry
I've got only a few television shows that I bother with these days, any days for that matter. Heroes and House are the two shows I don't miss. The other night the episode of House was called,  "Merry Little Christmas" but it was nothing like a Merry Christmas show. The story line with the angry angry cop named Tritter was moving along. They had put the squeeze on House and his friend Wilson had caved under the pressure and made a deal with the police. No jail time for House if he accepted the deal of rehab and probation. Of course House wouldn't even consider taking the deal. He didn't feel as if he had done anything wrong at all. I think Wilson asked House if his pride was worth going to jail for. Of course it was, Cuddy and everyone else knew the answer to that, was yes. Pride would overcome any sort of rational decision making. Rational for someone not under attack, Wilson thought in his rational train of thought that anyone would rationally choose the lesser of the two difficult choices. That's how he rationalized his conduct and his betrayal. The police of course, the experienced folks involved knew otherwise, they knew they had him, they knew House, like anyone else in that position would not yield and was therefore caught.  Prickly, principled, House wasn't going to change his position even if it meant personal and professional disaster. They aren't principles if you don't stand up for them, they don't mean anything then and anything that you stood for or believed would mean nothing if you chose comfort over principles. The smirking lawyers and police come to you and say 'plead guilty and you won't go to jail' - but if you don't feel you're guilty then it's not an option, if fact, House at that point was refusing to even acknowledge the police and the charges against him. If he had  maintained that  opinion, that frame of mind, he would have walked into the courtroom and not participated.  Doing anything at all would have denied everything he had thought and felt before that moment, it would have been the same as taking the easy way out - regardless of the consequences. In fact, the consequences would have been an affirmation of everything he had thought and felt and the pain would be confirmation and purification and ritual punishment all at the same time. But, House was an addict in flux, in panic and going through that whole mind altering brain storm. Unlike someone on an antidepressant whose mind would be mostly gone, unable to maintain a vast array of thoughts and to be able to think through various choices and who would lock into the one way of thinking, House's mind raced through the needs of the addict and the need to get a fix, then the knowledge that he was racing to the wall. He OD's, wakes up and in a moment where he is stripped of his self respect and the careful shield he had created to protect himself, he then goes to see the cop Tritter and gives up. Of course, Tritter doesn't let him give up and accept his humiliation. Tritter tells House that he has new evidence and that evidence lets him take the deal off the table. And we end the episode. When the next episode comes, House will have steeled himself, he will have built his walls back up and Tritter will ultimately have lost his chance to actually win. Not giving up is winning. It's a wait until the next episode, sometime in January. I love House, he isn't a Superman, he's in pain, he crashes and falls down but he continues and exists and sometimes that's the only victory you get.

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:52 AM EST
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Wednesday, 26 July 2006
Gilmore Girls discussions
Topic: Art and Poetry

As we know, a great tragedy occurred when Season Six of Gilmore Girls  threw up all over the airwaves. A perversion of the characters and plot lines rolled through every week until the last week travesty of Lorelei sleeping with her ex - Christopher. A vast boiled discontent has erupted in Gilmore Girls land and of course I have an opinion about it all. Over at Ask Auseillo I find myself posting a word here and there. Just so I don't lose those I'll put them right here.


Lorelei and Luke have zero chemistry and, other than the fact that they live in Starrs Hollow, nothing in common. Luke is a humorless person, and he never gets any of Lorelei's (or Rory's) pop culture references.

I'm reminded of the scene in Ice Age II, the little rat like creature which sounded an awful lot like John Leguizamo when he is explaining to Manny, the Mastadon/Wolly Mammoth creature about how the female Mastadon and Manny are meant to be together. He said, "She's tons of fun, and you're no fun at all. She com-pletes you.!"

Well, opposites attract, some people who don't seem to be worthy matches are in fact perfect for each other. And that is the case with the two characters Luke and Lorelei.

As long as we're looking at 'character' the Christopher character has shown none whatsoever. He lets Lorelei raise Rory all by herself, not the tiniest bit of care and compassion or help all those years. (if the character development is to be believed - you know 'this year' he inherits or wins the lottery or something fanciful and only then suddenly becomes responsible enough to care about his daughter and helping to pay for some part of her raising - mostly after the fact. Where's the courts when you need them. Yah, that's good writing.)His 'wit and banter' holds nary a candle to the solid, there for Lorelei and Rory all those years Luke. It's the difference between the dandy and the responsible person who might not be as witty, but is there when needed. -Completely unlike the Christopher character. That the character of Luke and Lorelei for that matter, have been assassinated by their creators doesn't take away the first five seasons of character building, - the characters built and filled out and who were the characters we loved. The Luke that was inattentive to Lorelei and the the Lorelei that went to sleep with the loser Christopher were the results of that season long lack of care and attention by the writers. To say that 'well, Luke wasn't paying attention to Lorelei and you know, I can understand why she went to Christopher' simply ignors all those years of character development.

Maybe Lorelei was wrong to jump in bed with Chris, but she's still way too good for Luke. I, for one, will be very disappointed if Lorelei and Luke end up together.

Oh I disagree completely, with everything you said right there. Neither character, as written this season, is worthy of anything. But before that, Luke was too good for her. (I mean, if we're balancing those sorts of things out)


Elibu said, I knew my comments Lorelei having better chemistry with Christopher than Luke would be controversial.
Um, not 'controversial' - simply your own opinion, and everyone has one. Doesn't make it correct or the majority opinion or controversial. Stem Cell research is controversial, an opinion about a fictional couple is an opinion.

Elibu said, Lorelei was the one who wanted to go off on her own as a single mom without accepting help from anyone. That may have been the right decision for her, but I don't think it's fair to attack Chris for that.
Well, life isn't fair. Remember Bill Murray's speech in Stripes to John Candy. Fair? Fair! Life isn't fair, is it fair that you were born this way? NO! Our opinions on characters in a show has a lot to do with whether we take the time and effort to tune into a show or a movie. If we really really like certain characters in certain shows or if we really really like the stories and plots of those show we say 'hey, tonight let's tune into this show or that show.' Why? Because we enjoy it. I don't recall ever saying, "you know, that show with characters I don't like and plot lines I hate is on tonight, let's be sure to watch that!" We don't usually say it, we just make the determination whether we want to watch something or not.

It reminds me of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes. After writing Sherlock Holmes for a while Doyle got really sick on the character. He wanted to do other things and create other stories. So Sir Doyle kills off Sherlock Holmes. Great, good for him, free at last. Name another character and or story written by Doyle after that? (crickets chirping) Yup, that really worked for him. After a while Sir Doyle brought Sherlock Holmes back. The people had spoken. It seems to me that there is a balance between a creator/writer, the creation/show and the audience. If the creator finds himself lucky enough to create something that others enjoy then that creation/show lives and it's audience makes known what it likes about the show. It's not a science, it's an art and an inexact one at that. Witness the apparent roller coaster that the show Lost has been in. Those people who loved it the first season are saying that the show has lost them and the creators of that show have been busy trying to recreate the magic they had. Their audience is waiting and hoping for that magic to return. The ratings this year will tell if the magic is back or not. Just like with Gilmore Girls, if the magic is back some will return, others won't. (once burned, twice shy) And if it goes where it seems to be going, the show peters out and fades away back into the misty folds of time.

Lastly, Elibu said, Also, to all the people who have read Michael Ausiello's original post and the comments and posted yourself, saying how you're done with the show and won't watch, you're all full of it. You're going to watch. If you weren't, why are you wasting so much time reading and posting here about it?
It's always interesting when someone makes blanket statements about groups of people they don't even know. The reasons I've posted and expressed my opinion is because I really really loved Gilmore Girls. I really really hate what they did to it. I'm not happy, I'm venting and I'm writing about that frustration. I watched maybe half of last season out of a hope that it would get better, even at that it was painful and annoying to watch. Now I won't even watch that. There's not even anything left on that channel that I watch. Of course it does no good at all to vent here since they've already killed all the good parts of the show and they aren't going to change. Like Sir Conan Doyle, they know better than their audience.
Posted by: gadlaw 07/25/2006 3:15 PM


 I am also a big Lost fan and was disappointed with their second season. At least it's creators have paid attention to the audience and the ratings and hopefully, return it to the quality of the first season.
Even though DR didn't give us the same hope in his interview doesn't mean he won't do the same thing.

Well, if he didn't give any hope in his interview, a time when we presume that he'd be trying to woo the audience I don't know how you could have much hope for the future. He pretty much slapped the audience down, said that any thought about making the big mistake a dream sequence was retarded and he'd go along doing his soap opera remake of the GG. (that's how I interpreted it) I imagine it would have taken a better writer than him and his team to have taken that last episode which began with a close up of Lorelei in bed and listening to Suki and her husband to that same exact close up of her in bed with the evil one at the end and then extending it in the season opener to her blinking her eyes and being in bed with the actual Paul Anka then having her blink again and having her mother sit there in curlers and a goofy bathrobe and lecturing her about how she should put the smack down and become herself and quit moping around then have her actually wake up in a cold sweat. Then have her say 'Oh my god!' then having her frown and look around saying 'I thought my dream sequences were supposed to be a bit fuzzy around the edges' then have her shrug and then bouncing off to set things right. Nope, that would have been too difficult of a story to write for this crew. That would have been Gilmore, not this soap opera dribble that is now promised to continue with the super secret 'eyes only' draft that the good hearted Ausiello was slipped.

Yes indeed, I don't watch Lost but I have noticed how the audience is being listened to. Makes a marked contrast to what the new Gilmore crew is doing. The ones who don't get what the show was about would probably be happier writing for that Housewife show or perhaps Guiding Light. Failing to get those gigs they have decided to write those stories over at Gilmore Girls.

Elibu said, So I made a blanket statement about people I don't know, but I wasn't trying to offend anyone.

As they say in the old west, Smile when you say that. Indeed. I agree with you that many of the folks who say they'll never watch will be glued at the season premiere. But I also think that many of the folks who penned heartfelt grievances with the direction of the show and who said they were done, are in fact done. Don't forget that there are million things to do, it takes an effort to find your way to the tv at a scheduled time to watch any particular show. And again, if you cared enough to write and pen a few thoughts at a TV Guide forum that doesn't necessarily mean you're mindlessly hooked to a show like a zombie is hooked on eating brains. Personally I'm glad to find people who are as mad as I've been about the show, that's why I read and write here. Not because I'm going to watch another episode. I've not watched it since the final of the last season on either WB or on ABC Family where it's on daily, or was. I don't know anymore since I don't watch it now. I'm not ever buying season 6 on DVD and who knows when I'll be able to ever watch the other seasons I do have. I'm sure I'll know what's going on the same way I know about a show I've never seen like 'Friends' - commercials for the episodes and other publicity that finds it's way across my tv screen and such. I won't need to watch it to satisfy my diminishing curiosity, my curiosity is already satisfied, the duff who runs the show said 'it happened, we have to deal with that' satisfied my curiosity. 'We' don't have to do anything. We don't have to watch it. Sure- some will watch it, others won't. There's a new season out there, perhaps there will be another good show worth paying attention to. That would be nice.
Posted by: gadlaw 07/25/2006 7:17 PM

And of course, the image insertion still doesn't work.


Posted by gilbert davis at 12:28 AM EDT
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Monday, 3 July 2006
Fourth of July Movies
Topic: Art and Poetry

The two best patriotic films, two films I'll pull out the DVDs for tomorrow to watch (after the Tour de France) are Yankee Doodle Dandy starring James Cagney and 1776 starring Howard Da Silva, Ken Howard and William Daniels. Both represent what is good and idealistic about America.

Yankee Doodle Dandy is a biography of George M. Cohan. Starring James Cagney, the movie shows Mr. Cohan as a vaudeville performer born into show business as part of the Four Cohans. He rises up, in the true American way fights his way up and and brings his family up the ladder of success with him. He writes many successful plays and is remembered to this day for the songs Over There, Yankee Doodle, Me and My Gal and Give My Regards To Broadway. When you say 'John Q. Public' that's a phrase he coined. It's a great movie, an emotionally satisfying movie and after watching it you'll choke right up when Cagney says for the last time, "My mother thanks you, my father thanks you, my sister thanks you, and, I assure you, I thank you" A genuine flag waver for you.

The other movie. 1776, is a musical made near the time of the 200th birthday of the United States. It tells the story of the creation of the Declaration of Independence during the time of the Continental Congress. With humor, warmth and song it follows the struggles of John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and Ben Franklin as they manage and maneuver their way through stubborn southerners, loyalists and a New York delegations that abstains 'courteously' until the very end. The songs are smart, witty and honest with songs even dealing with the slave trade (Sugar to Rum to Slaves) and with the song of a dying soldier who hopes his mother finds his body in the field. This movie has everything you would want in a movie. And if at the end when the signers of the Declaration of Independence sign to the tolling of the bell, if you aren't having goose bumps well then you might want to check your pulse.

Those are the best movies for the Fourth of July and if you haven't seen these movies then you need to put them on your list.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:16 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 3 July 2006 11:25 PM EDT
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Thursday, 22 June 2006
Stupid List of Noninspirational Films
Topic: Art and Poetry

The American Film Institute came out with another insipid, uninformed and illogical list of films they say, in this case are the 100 most inspirational films. AFI's listA tricky catagory here. "Inspirational" means imparting a divine influence on the mind and soul. And even if the influence they seek to impart is actually divine or not, it's somebody's agenda and somebody's ideas of what is good for us. It's a lot of social commentary and a lot of movies nobody sees more than one time if they see them at all. I see a list here that has an agenda on it's mind. It should be called the "NPR List of Movies approved for their content and social message that you should believe in with a few 'inspirational' movies thrown in."

To Kill a Mockingbird is a movie they made us watch in school, Schindler's List is probably a movie they make you watch in school now as well. The Grapes of Wrath is social commentary, Saving Private Ryan, Bridge Over the River Kwai, The Best Years of Our Lives are antiwar movies. The business is bad, government is bad and people are noble movies include, Norma Rae, Silkwood, Erin Brockovich, Grapes of Wrath, Mr. Smith Goes To Washington, Meet John Doe. Prisoners are noble and prisons are bad - Cool Hand Luke, Birdman of Alcatraz, Shawshank Redemption. Glory, Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, In the Heat of the Night, Color Purple, To Kill a Mockingbird and Raisin in the Sun teach me that rascism is bad. Dead Poet's Society and Philadephia teach me that gay people are people and homophobia is bad. I don't find any of those movies particularly inspirational. Preachy maybe with their own agendas and some of them were effective when I was younger and didn't know that I was being fed a point of view. I particularly remember Meet John Doe, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington and the other Capra movies where Jimmy Stewart or Gary Cooper would fall in love with women who are more 'worldly' then they are and sort of risked everything on a hoped for change of attitude and opinion by Jean Arthur or Barbara Stanwick to save them. Beautiful women, inspirational shows I'd eat up every time. I'd admire Gary Cooper just being able to sit there not defending himself because it was the woman he loved who put him in that situation. Of course, in the end of those movies the woman would stand up and start defending Gary Cooper and in the end a happy ending would emerge just in the nick of time the way it always used to happen in those old black and white movies. Reality of course is more like that horrifying show you flip over through on Discovery or A&E which tells about the woman/man who plots and kills their spouse/partner and the process of getting enough clues to arrest them for it. Definitely not inspirational, like most of the films on that list. Bah, I hate lists.

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:55 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005
Muertos Art
Topic: Art and Poetry

My brother is the subject of an article in the Denver Post. Vigil Art He's a famous Hispanic/Chicano artist in Denver who specializes in muertos art. Muertos Art

Muertos art, like some Buddhist art which depicts skulls and skeletons in various forms and engaged in various activities is often times mistaken as a attempt at horror as seen in American culture. As the article states, the use of skeletons and death imagery is "a way of lessening the power that death holds over people in the Mexican culture." In Buddhism the use of skeletons and death imagery is used to illustrate the Buddhist teaching that life is transitory and that everything is impermanent.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:17 AM EST
Updated: Friday, 4 November 2005 10:32 PM EST
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Tuesday, 27 September 2005
Nothing in particular
Topic: Art and Poetry
Gilmore Girls and House, my favorite shows on Thursday. More or less a throwback to the 40's with the both of them. GG is a screwball comedy in the vein of His Girl Friday and House is Sherlock Holmes with Basil Rathbone. Good stuff and I hope the writing lasts for the both of them. Ah yes, in the Gilmore Girls they have a "Gilbert" character - the rocker Sebastian Bach who was with Skid Row. Cool beans. Gilbert online Fingers numb from the Blueridge, hopefully they'll get thinner here after a bit.

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:16 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 27 September 2005 11:45 PM EDT
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Saturday, 24 September 2005
Numb fingers
Now Playing: Roger Miller - Little Green Apples - Hits of 68
Topic: Art and Poetry

Doing a bit of channel surfing, a bit of the Big Fat Greek Wedding before turning over to watch Beck on Austin City Limits. The Greek Wedding woman was beautiful and Beck was good. Funny thing about listening to Beck now. I've begun a finger numbing journey with the guitar and so I watch guitar playing singers with different eyes. New respect. Swimming in deep deep water now but then what else is new. All that is needed is time and effort and desire. Some things in life don't respond to that combination of things unfortunately. My guitar pictured. No miles on the bike, chest cold.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:12 PM EDT
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Sunday, 28 August 2005
Steaming pile of MTV
Topic: Art and Poetry

Flipping channels. Ricky Martin 'pumping' up the crowd. Momentary blindness caused by massive suckage. Must change channel. Flip back to Hurricane coverage. Watch the spinning red hurricane in the bottom of the screen. Flip back to MTV, is that Jamie Foxx rapping? What the @#$%? I know he was in the biopic of Ray Charles but how does that make him qualify to be singing on MTV? At least Ricky Martin sold some records to the Mall crowd first before they let him shake his bon bon. Why didn't Jamie Foxx have to go on American Idol first? Or on that show looking to find a new singer for the INXS? On that show where Gene Simmons is trying to Jack Black a bunch of British school kids and turn them into a band? Oh thank god, it's over. Back to commercials for the OC and for jeans. Let's check to see if that little spinning hurricane on the news channel is getting any closer to New Orleans.

Um let's see. Flipped back to the MTV disaster, you know. It's only right to spend time with as many disasters as possible when they are simulcasted as they seem to be right now. The MTV thing, which looks really like a BET at the improv thing, is showing 50 cents rapping some rap which I couldn't identify since they are all basically the same beat with every other word being bleeped. It's a sad state of affairs when that is identified as music when it's clearly more closely related to beat poetry and bad beat poetry at that. Well, no music to be seen at that disaster, only bad production values, unrehearsed unprepared presenters and people trying to show how cool they are by being bleeped as often as possible. How sad. But there is still the flaming red tiny hurricane eternally spinning at FOX News and CNN. Various anchors are racing to be in harms way and there is the hope that one of them might get waxed on camera. It might finally provide proof that ego isn't magic armor- followed by the serious reflections about how wise it is to put reporters in the way of storms followed by self affirmed discussions about how important they are and how they need to be where the news is. Blah blah blah.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:31 PM EDT
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Friday, 19 August 2005
Ah, Fred Astaire
Now Playing: Roger Miller - Little Green Apples
Topic: Art and Poetry

My pre-ordered dvd boxset of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies came a few days ago. I'm not old enough to have seen any of these movies in the theater but I did see them back in the days of three networks and one independent television channel. That great independent channel had a library of old black and white movies and it was from those days that I'd be able to turn on the tv and see the great old movies of the 30's, 40's and 50's. I grew up watching these movies and I grew up loving them. I mention this because when I see Fred Astaire I know I'm going to see a light hearted, dancing, romantic comedy which will entertain me and really make me feel good. I'm going to be happy.

As I read this review of the box set on Cinematical I am so very glad that I'm not looking at them through the eyes of a movie critic. I'm so very glad that I didn't think to see marriage as "disappointment’s nihilist revenge" or see the character that Ginger Rogers played as "emblematic of a “new kind of woman” " I'm not looking at Fred Astaire/Ginger Rogers movies through a woman's studies degree or a politically correct filter of what I should think was intended or should have been intended of a movie created over 70 years ago. I'd like to think there is still a place for movies to be enjoyed as movies.

Swing Time is light hearted. It's wonderfully light hearted. It's fantasy time with beautifully dressed people who dance for their supper in fantastic art deco inspired sets and who don't get angry when they lose the girl but who pick themselves up and come up smiling. There is magic in these old movies. As the trailer for Swing Time says, Singing! Dancing! Romancing! What more could you want?

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:24 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 August 2005
I Hate Crappy Movies
Now Playing: Indiscreet - Cary Grant and Ingrid Bergman
Topic: Art and Poetry
One of the themes often discussed these days in entertainment news is the fact that fewer people are going to movie theaters. If you listen to people who make movies the great hue and cry is that it's downloading of movies that is causing the problems. Evil 'Pirates' they cry. This is nonsense of course, folks who are interested enough to download movies are the ones who go to those movies, crappy or not. They are the ones who buy the dvd's when they come out and they are the ones who are enthusiastic about new movie releases. Nope, people are not going to movies at the rate they used to for a number of reasons and one of them isn't downloaders.

So many reasons for not going to the movies. High ticket prices is one good reason to keep away from crowded theaters full of loud teenagers and crying babies. A five dollar bag of popcorn and a five dollar soda doesn't make a lot of friends either. And of course now they have a half hour commercial before the movie, followed by a few more commercials to include the stupid 'do not download' commercials which insult the intelligence of anyone with intelligence. A ticket for one person who also buys something to drink costs the same as buying the dvd a few months later. If I'm interested at all I'm waiting for the dvd.

Another thing that puts a foul taste in my mouth about the movies is that they have become as obnoxious and annoying as political campaigns. You can't escape hearing about the 'Dukes of Hazzard' movie and about every tiny aspect of Jessica Simpson's life right now. The publicity machine responsible for this crap continues to grind so that we hear about it on every news broadcast, entertainment news broadcast, print news and Internet news. Somehow half of the commercials include references to the movies via their tie-in promotions. It's practically inescapable. And annoying as hell. Presently I'm just waiting for Friday to come, like election day it means a certain kind of freedom from the constant barrage of crap and hype. Then the greatest movie ever made, the spectacular movie everyone has been waiting for can become the under performing piece of crap that it really is. And it can sink back down into the mire from which it came. And then of course the next movie hype for the next festering, steaming pile of horse manure can blot out the sun with everyone shilling it as the best thing since sliced bread. The problem for the movie makers is that the word gets out almost before the movie gets out. A piece of crap, no matter how many bubbling interviews with the cast by Entertainment Tonight will still be a piece of crap and everyone, with a click of their computer mouse will find out about it before going to the theater with their ten bucks a ticket in hand. So bombs don't even get to make their money back. Crap is no longer King. The jig is up and the ones who make crap aren't rewarded for their inability to make a good movie. Good. But still and all they will whine and scream and point the finger at anyone and everything rather than where it belongs. At themselves.

I like going over to Rotten Tomatoes here where I can watch graphically the rise and fall of the movies of crap. I especially enjoyed watching that steaming pile 'Stealth' drop to 11% liking the movie. I haven't seen a opinion level that low. I especially dislike Jessica Biel as I remember her being one of the horrific things wrong with Blade III. Her as a fighter pilot is as unbelievable as is the idea that Living Color comedian Jamie Foxx would or could be one. Right off the bat I know I'm never going to see this, rent it or buy it. Some things ooze a foul stench long before you even have a chance to read a review. In fact, the best part of this movie is reading the witty and derisive reviews of it.

And in keeping with the 'Dukes of Hazzard' theme here I can see on that this movie has dropped to 'rotten' and continues to fall. Another stinker. What a surprise.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:22 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 17 May 2005
Triumph Of Our Communities
Now Playing: Bernadette Peters - Live at Carnegie Hall
Topic: Art and Poetry
"Triumph of our communities" is a ASU's publication on Chicano art which is linked here and includes a profile on my own brother as a prominent artist in the Chicano art community. A wonderful artist and an active member of his community in Colorado.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:12 AM EDT
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