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Thursday, 14 July 2005
No Emmy Nominations for Gilmore Girls
Now Playing: Chris Pirillo Show
Topic: Mysteries of Life
It's been a long time in my life since I've had any belief in any sort of awards as a reference for what is good and what I should think is good. Same thing goes for lists of 'Greatest Americans' or 'Best Movies of all Time' or '100 Most Beautiful People.' It's all opinion at best, blatant commercialism, issue driven support or some mixture of the three.

Nobel Peace Prizes, Nobel prizes in science. Yes indeed, that's the gold standard of awards. Well we all know Yassar Arafat got a Nobel Peace Prize and he never renounced the use of terror. A Nobel Prize was awarded to Egas Moniz in 1936. here That person got the Prize for doing and promoting lobotomies. Well so much for the worth of the Nobel Prize. The best you can say about it is that it sometimes gets the science awards wrong and it's 'Peace' prize awards are skewed to the left and toward the sensibilities of the political left. When I was young and lacking knowledge about the real nature of the world I thought a Peace Prize was something to be admired and that the winners of such a prize must be great people. Fortunately I didn't stay in the dark about these things and now I know Nobel Prizes are issue driven opinion and an opinion I don't agree with.

Things like the tripe put out by magazines and television shows where they advertise the 100 most beautiful people or funniest comedians are fairly harmless exercises in idiot entertainment. They tend to be reflections of the lack of depth and knowledge of the list builders and unfortunately they perpetuate that lack of depth and understanding. You know, any list of the funniest comedians which has Chris Rock on it is profoundly wrong. Those kind of lists as they are seen on TV involve unfunny comedians and personalities you don't know giving uneducated and uninteresting opinions about people they usually don't know and never heard of. You can imagine these lists being made by 18 year old interns who only have a bare remembrance of anything that happened in the last ten years let alone any historical or personal knowledge about whatever subject they pontificate on. Those lists can't be taken seriously at all and are best ignored.

Now the entertainment awards are definitely political, commercial self promotion. The 'Best' Motion Picture of the year is usually a unwatchable bag of haggish. Shakespeare in Love - 1998. Need I say more? Proves my point. A more worthless bag of warm spit you'll never see. But, it did win the Academy Award for best picture. So it must be good right? Only if you are an Entertainment Tonight watching and obeying zombie.

Which brings me to the Gilmore Girls. A better show on TV you will never have seen. Great writing and great acting. Better than most anything you will see on the TV presently being produced. Did the show get a nomination? Ha, surely you jest. What's good isn't the criteria. Boobies and cursing of course are the most important criteria - which explains most of the HBO nominations. Which also explains the Desperate Housewives nominations. Gilmore Girls has regular women without exposed boobies so you know, nothing worthy of notice. Thank goodness I know what I like and have an idea of what is good without listening to the award shows or best of lists.

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:18 PM EDT
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