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Friday, 6 April 2007
Most Money wins? Ask President Dean
Yes indeed. Mitt Romney gets the surprise early money lead on the Republican side and Obama gets near to Hillary with money which is the same as a win on the Democratic side. But before President Romney and President Obama go and start measuring the drapes at the White House they need to ask President Howard Dean how getting the most contribution money worked for him. The money for Obama is very interesting, smaller contributions from a larger base of people than for Hillary. This means that the donations to Hillary were more one off types, with the people giving all the money they could give in one shot. For Obama the numbers mean that more people gave smaller amounts and could give more in the future as the campaign wears on. Some commentators say that proves that Obama is really the front runner here. I say that he got the small messiah money from the regular folks who on first blush see him enthusiastically and as the issues are discussed and his positions are known those folks will not still be there giving money.  His base is wide and not deep. Republican money, fat cat money and mormon money went to Romney. The rich have put their money on him but his money won't translate into votes. Already the liberal media folks have started shooting buckshot at him as he is presently getting raked for saying he's hunted all his life and it turns out that hunting consists of two times years apart. His veneer is fading quickly. Tommy Thompson has put his toe into the water and sees himself as a possible leader of the vacant conservative candidate position. One of many pretenders led up by Romney, Brownback, Tancredo and Gingrich. Not one of them showing any spark or upward trending. And then there is the Pollyanish Chuck Hagel sitting far outside and waiting to see if there might possibly somewhere down the line be a place for a anti-war, anti Republican republican. I'm sure he felt the love from the liberal media and how he was their Republican candidate for President and would be in third place if he felt that fire in the belly and stepped up to the plate. As it is, Fred Thompson, not even running is in third place and will get the nomination if he wants it. Great race already and the shoes aren't even laced up yet. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:57 AM EDT
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