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Monday, 11 June 2007
Into the tunnel
Topic: Politics

Well, just thought I'd put a graphic here, the next President of the United States unless something big and unusual happens. I'm actually okay with it, the possibility of someone who might be competent is a good thing regardless of Party affiliation. If she stumbles  then Gore is poised to jump in and take the nomination by acclimation. Obama, or as I've heard, "Obama the Magic Negro" - loses his luster as he speaks and I don't see his turn as the Savior of the Country to last long. Edwards is a place holder who wishes he never heard of Obama and should be gone before the primaries churn through. The rest, ah, you won't remember them after next February if not before. No, I think this nomination was won a long time ago as Hillary has turned the political wheels for some time and been running for some time. It's all over but the crying. 

On the Republican side I was interested to see that Hagel is already running into trouble back home. Attorney General Jon Bruning ran a poll that shows he is ahead of Hagel amoung likely Republican voters in the state. As I mentioned earlier he is heading into the kind of backlash that DeWine of Ohio ran into and was sent packing because of.  Maverick Republicans cannot exist very well in Republican minded states. The media driven talk of him running for President is like the media talk of Gore running on the Democratic side except that Gore has a real chance of pulling it off and Hagel doesn't. It looks like he'll be looking for that lobbyist job in 08. EssayPoll

Writing a bit more, I've run myself into some carpal tunnel in the wrists and so I'm spending little time practicing with the guitar. More time with those wrist things on.  Time to replace the frozen t-bone steak with a fresh one. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:29 AM EDT
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