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Monday, 11 June 2007
Into the tunnel
Topic: Politics

Well, just thought I'd put a graphic here, the next President of the United States unless something big and unusual happens. I'm actually okay with it, the possibility of someone who might be competent is a good thing regardless of Party affiliation. If she stumbles  then Gore is poised to jump in and take the nomination by acclimation. Obama, or as I've heard, "Obama the Magic Negro" - loses his luster as he speaks and I don't see his turn as the Savior of the Country to last long. Edwards is a place holder who wishes he never heard of Obama and should be gone before the primaries churn through. The rest, ah, you won't remember them after next February if not before. No, I think this nomination was won a long time ago as Hillary has turned the political wheels for some time and been running for some time. It's all over but the crying. 

On the Republican side I was interested to see that Hagel is already running into trouble back home. Attorney General Jon Bruning ran a poll that shows he is ahead of Hagel amoung likely Republican voters in the state. As I mentioned earlier he is heading into the kind of backlash that DeWine of Ohio ran into and was sent packing because of.  Maverick Republicans cannot exist very well in Republican minded states. The media driven talk of him running for President is like the media talk of Gore running on the Democratic side except that Gore has a real chance of pulling it off and Hagel doesn't. It looks like he'll be looking for that lobbyist job in 08. EssayPoll

Writing a bit more, I've run myself into some carpal tunnel in the wrists and so I'm spending little time practicing with the guitar. More time with those wrist things on.  Time to replace the frozen t-bone steak with a fresh one. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:29 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 June 2007
Amnesty Bill Cloture Traitors
Now Playing: Pandora - Fred Astaire
Topic: Politics


I'm looking at the Rhino's in the bunch - Hagel (Republican) from Nebraska leads the pack of fake Republicans, followed closely by Voinovich (Republican) of Ohio and of course McCain, who embraced this piece of backroom betrayal of the American people. Voinovich didn't take note of the fate of the last Ohio Republican DeWine who crossed the line to stand with the Democrats to cut the legs out from under the President on a war issue - his reelection came up and he was shown the door. Voinovich as a past state Governor perhaps feels himself a bit more immune or perhaps he's already made his plans for a fat corner office at some lobbying firm after this term. Hagel of course is still sitting in the back and making his decisions based on positioning himself for some delusion based Bloomberg/Hagel Independent ticket or perhaps equally implausible - a Hillary Clinton/Hagel 'Unity' ticket. I can't think of any possible place for him on a actual Republican ticket but there's no telling how far his own delusions stretch.

I'm looking at Spector from Pennsylvania, another Republican in name only who more often than not votes with Democrats, he's already seeing the future without a Republican President or Congress and is doing his best to blend in with the Democrats. The two Florida Senators, the Republican Martinez has taken his cloak off and there's a big fat L for liberal on his chest. The Conservative voters of Florida have long memories and this vote will definitely star in many a attack commercials when he tries to run for reelection.  Lugar and Graham are also standing with the Democrats on this. 

Of course, since it didn't go well for the Bill the Democrats are calling it Bush's bill and you can see how important it was to him since he had it brought up when he was at the G-8 meeting trying to start up another Cold War. As he stumbles through the meetings with the other major leaders of the world further shaming our Country, his bill dies for a few months and then the snakes will take a look at the lay of the land and try to ressurrect this thing once again, hoping to sneak it under the radar as they have done with countless other bills. Of course, the closer it gets to an actual election the less likelihood the Amnesty Bill has of passing since at that time the "Representatives" will be that much closer to accountability from their voters.  It's a sad thing when the only thing stopping our Representatives from selling the Country down the river is  a nearby election. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:13 AM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 June 2007 2:05 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 June 2007
Debate Impressions
Topic: Politics

Well the first question in the Republican debate from New Hampshire went to the ghost of Ronald Reagan's hair worn like a holy relic by Mitt Romney. He spouted on incomprehensibly for a long time while not answering the question. A good start. After another answer like that I stopped trying to listen to anything that flip flopping douchebag had to say. You know, some folks are good, some folks are bad and some folks are like Romney- a finger in the wind, mind changing douche politician. I hate that kind. He has a lot of Mormon money funding him right now and is already running the Ronald Reagan type 'Morning in America' ads where he's trying to evoke the winning formula of Reagan. Lot of money, money talks and we'll see how it goes with him.

Other big loser in this debate was the original loser, John McCain. He's been in the

Amnesty for illegal immigrants camp and best buddies with Ted Kennedy for a while now and his position in the Republican race for the nomination has continued to slip as a result. He had a touching moment with a young lady who asked a question about Iraq and whose brother had died there. Pundits make a big thing of it because it's good tv and McCain is their best liberal in the Republican Party on Amnesty buddy. And of course, he knows better than you do about the immigration problems so you must listen to him. Another dictator in waiting like Bush.

Well, Rudy did well, first one to stand up and walk out to walk to the audience to answer the questions, which created a stampede of 'me to' candidates standing up after him. Point is, he led, they followed. His answers were direct, they hit him as they always do with the abortion questions which he didn't duck. The abortion questions are not as important in these days as are the security questions and Rudy is still the candidate with the most experience and the best likelihood of being competent in that regard. I dub thee winner of the debate. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:09 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 June 2007
Immigration is Good, Illegal Immigration is Bad
Topic: Politics
Wrote my Congressmen and Senators about my feelings on the new immigration bill and have had zero replies from any of the three. Not surprising since I don't like it and they support it.  They appear to be following the lead of Bush with their 'you're an evil bigot if you don't support this bill' attitude. I agree with Peggy Noonan's article on the Bush reaction to the universal dislike for this bill.  Bush is slapping the crap out of his so called base. Republicans and conservatives (not the same thing) find this Immigration Amnesty to be nothing short of a betrayal of the American people. I would agree on that but then Bush and most of the Congressmen and Senators are not there for you or for me but for their real masters, business both industrial and agricultural. By undercutting wages to American workers it allows industry and agriculture to bring wages down across the board. It's equivalent to picking up the business and moving it to Mexico except that they don't have to move the industry, don't have to pay medical, social security and other taxes and those needs the illegals have are picked up by the government - you and me. Sweet deal, no wonder they work so hard owning our representatives to make the world to their liking. You and I are just roadkill to them and if we get too uppity and complain they have their left leaning friends call us racists and xenophobes and the like. See, you can't object to illegal immigration unless you really want to be labeled as a racist bastard. Since I've been called worse I think I can freely speak my mind. And of course, uselessly write my Congressmen. That's okay, I'll be there working against them at their reelection time even if they have a good number of years until it happens. I never forget or forgive and I always remember.

Posted by gilbert davis at 5:47 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 1 June 2007 5:53 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 2 May 2007
Such a girl
I've hated Gilmore Girls for pretty much the last two seasons and I haven't watched more than a few minutes of it in that time, but some instinct, some murmur through the pipes got me peaking at it today, and then watching the last fifteen minutes of it. Probably flipping through the channels and seeing Loreli and Luke actually talking to each other did it. Anyways, watching the Karokee singing part where she is starting to sing to her daughter the Dolly Parton song "I Will Always Love You" and then Luke walks in. The face acting, the awkwardness of singing in front of all the people and as hokey as it could be, it was sweet. She ernestly and with feeling seemed to be singing the song to Luke. A sweet, bittersweet bit there. With me being the girl I am sometimes and welling up over it, connecting with pretend characters in a pretend television show and all. It's a shame they killed the show for two whole seasons with crap, it could have been that nice place to visit once a week for all that time. AH well. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 2:11 AM EDT
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Monday, 30 April 2007
Love Heroes
Topic: Mysteries of Life

One of the few shows I wait for and enjoy watching, Heroes. It appeals to the kid in me with it's superhero characters, it's well acted and well written so far, just a joy to anticipate and get to watch when it comes on. Good stuff. 

Trying to learn how to get css style to work and getting there slowly. The usual mistakes I remember making with html, namely putting the images in the right folders and having the css style sheet refer properly to the images. I load it up then wonder where the pictures are, where the style sheet is. Why it isn't doing anything I want. Of course I finally figure it out after looking at it for a good long time. Duh.

Watching the fun after the first Democratic debate, no big punches thrown, no good knockdowns, but it's early and they are all still getting ready for the whole thing. This week the media heads have been talking up the Republican Debate this Thursday a bit as they anticipate a bit more slugging and slapping around. I'm thinking Rudi is getting a slap or three in the yapper. Of course, the media heads and their wet dream of Hagel getting in are getting a tiny bit of play. I've heard his name mentioned and how in the crowded field it could use a liberal approved anti war  Republican. It's still Fred Thompson who is the knight in shining armor waiting in the wings, there is no need for him to enter now and no need for him to stand in the pit yet and if he wants the nomination he can get it. I don't anticipate any of the other candidates on the Republican side to being able to pull out a large lead anytime soon. So the Republican debate will be or could be a good indicator as to how they might start to settle out. Ah, politics, good times. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:46 PM EDT
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Playing with CSS
Topic: Mysteries of Life
The site is under renovation right now. The front page in it's new design shows up just fine in Explorer but looks like text in Firefox. I've only got the index page and the Buddhism page part way done. The CSS style sheet thingee works for one but not for the other. Looks like a long period of trial and error involved for me not including the time spent doing all the pages over again in the new style and fitting in with the new look of the site. Much cleaner, easy on the eyes but right now a bit of a bear with the Firefox. My most unfavorite thing, playing with code and all of the line by line work involved understanding it to fix it.

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:23 AM EDT
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Thursday, 19 April 2007
Violence and Madness
Topic: Mysteries of Life

When the first 'breaking news' bulletin hit the cable news networks on Monday morning it was the story of two people shot in a dorm room. An almost normal level of violence that was given the dutiful frown of concern before going back to the breathtaking news of it raining in New Jersey and the East Coast in general. The ordinary crazed boyfriend kills ex girlfriend, current girlfriend or some variation of that story. They didn't know anything more about it so it was back to the rain crisis they had already spun up for. The giant story the cable outlets were in position to over dramatize complete with colorized, spinning versions of the menacing nor'easter storm. I had already been overly fed up with breathless stories of how parts of cities were being flooded, I knew the parts that were being flooded were the idiots who had built in flood plains. Pictures of bridges over water and water going under them. My personal favorite, reporters in raincoats standing out in the rain, telling you it's raining.

And then the full horror of the shooting began to emerge. It was already over by the time the cameras made their way to visual range. Talking heads talking to each other about how many dead there might be, how many shots someone could get off in a short period of time. Just stupid stuff, three days later the “Breaking News” tag is everywhere. There's no damn breaking news, crazy, mentally ill person goes into school and kills 33 people and wounds a bunch more. He's dead. Grief and funerals and memorials to follow and everyone using this to push their own agendas. Violence in movies, violence in games, gun control, no conceal and carry, identifying troubled children and warning signs thereof. I'm sure there are more people bringing up their causes, I hear that the Scientologists are even down at Virginia Tech trolling for recruits and that SOB who pickets the funerals of Iraq war casualties is going to be there to picket the funerals of those kids. And probably the bikers that stop them will be there as well. Life is a circus and all the clowns and Carnies, starting with the Network anchors, descend upon tragedy like so many junkies looking for a fix.

The particular form that Cho's madness took will be examined by idiots without clues who enjoy hearing themselves talk for days and months to come. He blamed the world for his failings, bullies created him, he was egocentric and couldn't connect with other human beings, his shield against the world became a prison, his fantasies of revenge absorbed him until he wasn't there any longer and all that existed was those revenge fantasies. Perhaps the increasingly violent nature of the world is starting to spill to the US, perhaps another of the legacies of the violent suicide bombers that continue in unending waves will be an elevated level of violence, of rage attacks by people who consider themselves unheard or unrevenged by life and by the people in their lives. You could go down the list and every single hypothesis would be correct. His shooting the girl and the advisor made sense in a way, a tragedy but it made sense since violence like that is common. The purposefully going into a school and shooting people makes no sense and therefore is more terrifying to everyone. It demands a reason and the reason or reasons will be supplied by the talking heads. Who knows.

What is known is that stories for the next few weeks will include young men being hauled away to jail for saying it was a good thing (already happened) or expelling those who make jokes of it. People will have different attitudes and different reactions about perceived threats. That quite guy will be looked at a little more closely. Perhaps bullies will bully less for a while. Perhaps those who have wronged somebody will be a little more nervous than usual and will be looking over their shoulders more often. Undoubtedly there will be a copycat within the month. But after a while lessons learned, precautions taken will fade. And it doesn't matter in any event. If someone is determined and willing to die himself, he or she will be able to kill many people. And the world is getting more violent and these sort of things will happen more often until it'll get just a frown from the talking head on the cable news network.

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:55 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Diamond Al Sharpton - Political Opportunist
Topic: Politics

Yes, the good Reverend Al Sharpton, the poster child for two faced political opportunists all over the United States has become the chief spokesman for the 'lynch Don Imus' gang. Shockingly, a man who does a three hour live broadcast over the radio and over MSNBC has misspoken and said a bad bad thing. He said 'nappy headed ho's' oh my goodness, hide the children. Let's see, Nappy isn't the bad word cause you know there's a movie in the works with the title 'Nappily Ever After' starring the beautiful Hally Berry. It can't be the word 'ho' cause you know, head over to BET and hear that word all day long. Hear acclaimed rappers rap their way around the word 'ho' 'bitches' and even more derogatory words. Head over to Comedy Central and hear that word and worse all the time in reruns of The Dave Chappell Show and The Carlos Mensena show and on anything shown after ten o'clock. None of that matters here, sure Don Imus is a going on 30 years shock jock whose stock in trade is saying things on the edge and over the edge. That's what the term means. 

But Sharpton is his own kind of hypocrite with his older, make believe, distinguished face acting like the sage old veteran of countless good causes. Well you know, I don't begrudge Sharpton his rehabilitation. I happen to think that rehabilitation is a good thing even if society rarely allows it to any but the most brazen like Sharpton.  Sharpton of the Tawana Brawley infamy. Yes indeed, yet another circumstance where political opportunism reared it's lovely head and Sharpton ran over to attach himself to it. The girl, supposedly raped and left naked in a bag of feces accused law enforcement officers with rape. Now, the case fell over like a house of made up hoax cards but that didn't stop Sharpton from raging on and leveling baseless and ultimately slanderous allegations against various people involved. Sharpton was taken to court and lost a 395 million dollar lawsuit by those he slandered. He had accused the prosecutor and other officials of having raped this girl. He lost in court and has never taken responsibility for it.

But you know, it's supposedly racist remarks that Sharpton is on about. Sharpton himself, that paragon of virtue. The completely racist Sharpton, inflamed and contributed to the riots in Crown Heights after an accident where a young black boy was killed by a Hasidic jewish driver. The driver didn't leave the scene and a private ambulance from a  Hasidic hospital was first on scene.  The police on the scene, an ugly scene there, a dangerous scene there, and had the Hasidic ambulance take the Hasidic jew to the Hasidic hospital. The other ambulance came later and the child died. Well, the good peace loving Reverend, never missing an opportunity to lead the mob, used anti jewish code words to help inflame the black population he wants to be the leader of. Saying the 'Diamond Merchants' were shedding the blood of the innocents. Well you know, I don't think the family of the  rabbinical student from Australia by the name of Yankel Rosenbaum ever got an apology from Sharpton. He was killed in the riots that Sharpton helped foment. 

Yes indeed. It's entirely correct and proper that in the bizarro world we live in that Al Sharpton gets to lead the lynching against Don Imus and continually calling for his head for the unforgivable sin of saying some politically incorrect words. What a bunch of crap.   

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:08 PM EDT
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Friday, 6 April 2007
Brit Pussies
You know, hearing the former Brit captives doing their 'why we were pussies' news conference it just you know, it's just annoying. We didn't fight because we might have died. We didn't fight because we couldn't win. Well thank god none of these Nancy boys were around in WWII cause back then the Brits couldn't win either. You know, the Brit Navy was shamed and caught with their pants down by a couple of Pirate boats. Then they gave up without a fight then in only two weeks of captivity they rolled over like a rug. Not even nearly as bad treatment as we give detainees either. No waterboarding, no chained to a floor naked in a cold room or overly hot room. Notice there isn't a lot of noise coming from the US about the treatment, cause of course, thanks to George Bush and Alberto Gonzales those "quaint old fashioned Geneva Convention Rules" no longer apply. But still, it's shameful that the Brits gave up without a fight and then when they gave up without a fight, they further gave up without a fight and became sad mouthpieces for the Iranian thug government. I'm glad at least in Britain some folks are making note of all of this and the shame of it all.   

Posted by gilbert davis at 12:15 PM EDT
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Most Money wins? Ask President Dean
Yes indeed. Mitt Romney gets the surprise early money lead on the Republican side and Obama gets near to Hillary with money which is the same as a win on the Democratic side. But before President Romney and President Obama go and start measuring the drapes at the White House they need to ask President Howard Dean how getting the most contribution money worked for him. The money for Obama is very interesting, smaller contributions from a larger base of people than for Hillary. This means that the donations to Hillary were more one off types, with the people giving all the money they could give in one shot. For Obama the numbers mean that more people gave smaller amounts and could give more in the future as the campaign wears on. Some commentators say that proves that Obama is really the front runner here. I say that he got the small messiah money from the regular folks who on first blush see him enthusiastically and as the issues are discussed and his positions are known those folks will not still be there giving money.  His base is wide and not deep. Republican money, fat cat money and mormon money went to Romney. The rich have put their money on him but his money won't translate into votes. Already the liberal media folks have started shooting buckshot at him as he is presently getting raked for saying he's hunted all his life and it turns out that hunting consists of two times years apart. His veneer is fading quickly. Tommy Thompson has put his toe into the water and sees himself as a possible leader of the vacant conservative candidate position. One of many pretenders led up by Romney, Brownback, Tancredo and Gingrich. Not one of them showing any spark or upward trending. And then there is the Pollyanish Chuck Hagel sitting far outside and waiting to see if there might possibly somewhere down the line be a place for a anti-war, anti Republican republican. I'm sure he felt the love from the liberal media and how he was their Republican candidate for President and would be in third place if he felt that fire in the belly and stepped up to the plate. As it is, Fred Thompson, not even running is in third place and will get the nomination if he wants it. Great race already and the shoes aren't even laced up yet. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:57 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 April 2007
Money money, who got the money
Topic: Politics

In the old days, the long gone halcyon days of our youth, the big money Republicans and Democrats would have already chosen our candidates for us. Voting with their money they would have anointed their favorites and created the buzz for the acceptable candidates through the media and into our hearts. It would almost seem to be our own choices. Of course every single time the final candidates have been chosen for us we end up asking ourselves how in the heck did we drum up such a horrible slate of potential Presidents. Ah, the old days. But wait. Everything old is new again. The media has given us a glimpse at the real race, the race for money. Keeping with football analogies the first quarter numbers are out and President Hillary Clinton has raised the most money. Sure, a bit ahead of the actual swearing in but you know let's be realistic. The invisible tentacles of the creature known as the Democratic Party are stretched out and really, it's all over but the shouting. Having been given enough time to organize the Democrats have turned their machine on and it's grinding away to the inevitable end. President Hillary is like Secretariat, just cruising along.

Sure, the Messiah, as lampooned by some wit who dressed Obama up as Jesus, is holding his own in second place and ready to take the lead if Hillary stumbles between now and the nomination. Right now he is the media's Cinderella choice for the Democratic nomination. He's the Messiah, a perfect being that all the hopes and dreams of the fantasy crowd are being projected upon. And as long as he doesn't get too nasty against Hillary he will be the Vice Presidential nominee and eventually the President himself in the coming Democratic Era. Obama is suspiciously unwilling to put his cards on the table and release his fund raising totals yet. Notice that the media doesn't even whisper that anything is amiss with this or that it shows weakness or lack of organization as they would harp on if it wasn't their own darling. Obama right now would pick Wesley Clark as his running mate. He can't go for Joe Biden or Chris Dodd cause they are both Senators like himself. It would be a look for a Governor, white, from the South or the West.

Last time one of the Media darlings was John Edwards. He's still running and in third place by all accounts. He has been running for the nomination since the last election and his 14 million dollars is respectable but not where he had hoped to be at this time. The emergence of Obama has really been a horror show for Edwards and Hillary, the unexpected new face that sucks the magic away from the other two because lacking any history he also lacks the detractors and haters that are like barnacles on the hulls of the SS Hillary and the SS Edwards. He can hope the other two beat the crap out of each other and allow him to slip in between them. No VP slot for him, it's the big dance or bust.

And Bill Richardson knows he's running for a Vice Presidential slot, look for him to hope to get a fourth place or two, declare victory and then sticking to Hillary like a lamprey by endorsing her. If Obama gets the nod Richardson has no chance at all of the slot, Obama would look to a white male as a VP running mate.

The media of course hates Republicans. The way they acknowledge and cover the Republican candidates is ambivalent at best. The Romney money, the Republican institutional money has not surprisingly gone to Romney. Nothing to be astonished over. Business sees him as their best chance of having a friend in power, someone who has no ideological problems with swaying in the wind and doing what's best for business. He's against abortion, he's for abortion. He's more liberal than Ted Kennedy, he's Ronald Reagan. And of course, he's Mormon. A definite snake that wins the money title but votes, ha, let's see him get some primary votes. But as I think about it, he's the Vice Presidential nominee. He'll bring the institutional money and as we know, the Trilateral Commission secret government type folks look longer term the same way they looked to putting Bush the Elder in with Reagan.

McCain, the last darling of the media when they hoped he could bump off Bush the Idiot (Jeb has to be Bush the Younger) can't bump off Bush now so he's McCain the war candidate and McCain the 70 year old tired looking dude. He was the institutional Republican candidate but the Republican Party is broken now. We can thank the Bush Presidents for this state of affairs as together they have destroyed the Republican Party as a viable force at least in the short term. I can't see McCain lasting very long but the candidates now are very weak and it'll just take Rudy Giuliani blowing up to be the front runner again.

Rudy Giuliani right now is the Republican front runner on the basis of people remembering how he preformed as a leader and Mayor of New York through the 9-11 crisis. Imagine that, picking a candidate based on his performance, outrageous. As far as primary Republican voters and their beliefs, he's ten kinds of wrong. Wrong on abortion, wrong on social issues, three times married. Voters vote based on present needs and a strong executive is what is needed now and Rudy has a chance of getting through the process as the nominee based on that. Will the issue voters cut their own noses off and vote for some Brownback, Tancretto or Gingrich? Ah, who knows. That's why it's worth watching to see.

To show how weak and flawed the Republican field is, in third place is Fred Thompson who isn't even running. If Rudy stumbles, look for Thompson to pop into the field and take the nomination. It's Rudy's to lose but he's got a bigger mine field to cross. His support is wide but no deep and so while a lot can happen I think it's going to be Fred Thompson running with Romney. Speculation. How fun is that. But it's still a giant house of cards and one slip by one candidate and the whole thing changes all over again. How great is that.

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:38 PM EDT
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Thursday, 29 March 2007
Kidnapping as a Foreign Policy Move
Now Playing: Pandora Internet Radio - Kate Bush Radio
Topic: Politics

Well, it continues. The Iranians, well practiced in the art of kidnapping and other cowardly activities have taken to their role as the criminals or wife abuser who blames the victim for the whole mess. See, it's the British who are to blame for the Iranians deciding not to let the female go since you know, them damn Brits are going to the United Nations with this matter. It's the fault of the Brits if the Iranians put these people on trial. It's the fault of the Brits for everything, the Iranian thugs aren't responsible for their own behavior and their own actions in kidnapping these soldiers at all. It's the victims fault, if only they wouldn't have let me I wouldn't have hurt them. Yup, it's your basic small time thug mentality we're dealing with. 

The Brits, it's on them for not fighting in the first place. Thugs don't understand being calm and non confrontational.  They see that, the same way that wild animals see it, as weakness. NO points are gained by not hitting them on the nose or right between the eyes. Give them another day or two, go up to the UN and prepare to escalate. It's a problem that isn't going away anytime soon. The longer we allow them to swagger around the harder it will be to eliminate the problem they pose.  Hell Ahmadinejad is probably hiding in a safe house already and wishing he had control over the military clothed thugs who took the Brits in the first place. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 1:27 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 29 March 2007 1:44 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 March 2007
Sick Bastards

You know, those Iranians are some sick bastards. Taking hostages is second nature to them of course, they do have that history of doing so. Then they make their captives parrot unbelievable statements nobody believes and think they are getting away with something. Idiots. Not only that, they take a woman soldier, who is not muslim and impose their religiously inspired female hating garb on her. Calling them barbarians is an insult to barbarians. It reminds me of Saddam and his patting the little boy on the head when he was in the hostage holding business. That worked out well for him didn't it? 

I'm looking at the BBC and having a hard time finding any coverage of the British sailors who were taken hostage. That struck me as odd. I hear the whispers that the British are looking at being more low keyed about the whole thing and I think it's two different reactions. The BBC has just plain taken sides against it's own government and against it's people. More coverage on Mugabe than it's own sailors. That seems criminal right there. The British government and it's slow and easy reaction, combined with it's non conflict orders to it's soldiers and sailors is equally criminal. Not letting it's people defend themselves, not defending them in the first place. They might as well have put them in sun dresses and had them doing nothing. Hopefully their rules of engagement will be reassessed.

Will there be a confrontation against the Iranians. We can only hope. It needs to happen, there is no need to use anything other than planes and ships to decapitate the Iranian military than what we already have in place. It will end a good deal of the blustering and posturing. Perception is reality, especially over there and the perception that the Iranians are able to tweak us and the British enhances their position and statute in the area. Reagan destroyed their Navy in reaction to provocations, simple. Let's blow it up and blow up their nuclear facilities and ask them if they want another. Otherwise the Iranians will just slow bleed this, maybe we'll release the woman, oh no, we didn't mean that. We're not releasing them until they say they were trespassing. Well, maybe after the trial. No, no. Give them a date certain then start blowing shit up. It's the only language they understand, it's a language and an ability we still have and it's a matter of just having the will to do it. 

Posted by gilbert davis at 11:54 PM EDT
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Monday, 26 March 2007
American Nude Idol
Now Playing: My spyware program
Topic: Mysteries of Life


One of the television shows I make it a point of never ever watching is American Idol. It's not that I feel that I'm a snob or better than anyone else for not wanting to watch the omnipresent television presence of Simon, Paula and that other guy. I mean, it's hard to miss the show since it preempts the television show I do enjoy watching - House. It's on every cable news show to include the Keith Olbermann Show Countdown so I do know every aspect of every scandal to include the singer/idol hopeful Sanjaye and his big ever changing hair as the latest must know bit of American Idol trivia and made up controversy. Sorry, I'd rather remember Paula Abdul as the very cute woman who sang and danced with a Zoot Suit wearing cartoon cat. Still and all, it's a show that must be endured. Like Major League Baseball or the latest big and over hyped prime time game show.

The previous big scandal/big hype story that consumed countless hours of news and gossip time involved yet another young lady with yet another big bunch of nude and semi nude pictures. No, not Anna Nicole. The other one. It's an old story that never gets old. Somebody emerges from nowhere and then whatever dirt or skeletons are in the closet now come pouring out for all to see. The feeding frenzy cranks up and the hypocritical mob acts shocked at the nude and semi-nude pictures but of course making sure to show those pictures at every opportunity. Someone who seeks entertainment fame has nude pictures in their background.  So shocking, an extrovert with nude pictures.

A few things of note. The cheesecake type pictures were splashed everywhere on TV and the blow job pics were ignored by the mainstream media. Of course, those were splashed everywhere on the internet so her brief moment of fame will be eternal and not of the kind that will make her folks proud. She'll forever be that blow job giving Idol contestant. As the Simon fellow said, 'I only wish you could sing.' What he was saying is that if she could sing he could and would have happily sold her and made her famous. You'll remember the nude pictures of Madonna and of the Miss America 1984 Vanessa Williams, the first black Miss America, both of whom have continued in the entertainment industry and succeeded. For them the nudie pictures worked. The sad underbelly story in all of it was the huge number of racist slanders against the girl on forum posts around the net. Surprisingly I read a lot of posts about her being a 'guinea' - had to look that one up. And references to being hairy and whorish based on that level of racist slander. Must be a East Coast thing. 

The other interesting part is that it depends on whose nude pictures appear. I remember Dr. Laura, a conservative talk show host and rising star in that field, getting a national radio show.  A lot of hype and a lot of enemies protesting her viewpoint and her success. She was like Michael Savage with a degree and breasts. Old breasts at that. Old nude pictures of her from her college days 'appeared' and pretty much torpedoed her career. Poof - she was gone. A military woman here and there has nude pictures show up and she's discharged from the service never to heard from again. A policewoman sends semi nude pictures of herself to her boyfriend and they get out and she is fired. Big scandal, end of professional career. So entertainers can recover but professionals are cooked. The more distance someone puts between their wild younger days the more chance of those wild days catching up to them. I'm thinking that the guy who put that 'Girls Gone Wild' empire together has his consent forms filed and names crossfiled for later retrieval and reissue of Girls Gone Wild videos as "Where Are They Now?"with this or that now publically known ex eighteen year old boob shaking girl and now present day Congresswoman or possible American Idol contestant who makes it to the final 12. One thing is rock solid for certain, shocking nude pictures will emerge of someone and everyone who can make a dollar from it will be there feeding on the ruined lives or will chronicle the rise from the ashes.  The picture - did you get it? Wetlands Beaver? Too subtle?

Posted by gilbert davis at 10:37 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 28 March 2007 11:15 PM EDT
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